Grades are available online to students. They are not routinely sent to parents or guardians, except that parents or guardians of students are normally informed of grades in cases of important changes of status, such as probation and requirement to withdraw. However, grades may be released when students request it. Education records may be disclosed to school officials without prior written consent of the student. School officials include persons employed by the Institute in administrative, supervisory, academic, or research, or support staff positions; persons serving on BAMSI governing bodies; or persons employed by or under contract to the Institute to perform special tasks, such as attorneys, insurers, and auditors. A school official is determined to have legitimate educational interest if the information requested is necessary to perform tasks appropriate to her/his position or contract agreement, perform tasks related to the student’s education, perform tasks related to the discipline of a student, or provide a service such as health care, counseling, institutional research, job placement, or financial aid.
The Institute will release information in education records, including disciplinary actions or unsatisfactory academic progress records (generally probations, suspensions, or expulsions), to educational institutions to which the student seeks or intends to enroll or is already enrolled, for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer otherwise permitted or required by law.