Sexual Assault and Harassment

BAMSI is committed to establishing and maintaining a community rich in equality and free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is not tolerated. The Institute seeks to create an environment in which the greatest academic potential of students and professional potential of employees may be realized. In order to create and maintain such an environment, BAMSI recognizes that all who work and learn at the Institute are responsible for ensuring that the community is free from discrimination. These behaviors threaten our learning, living, and work environments and will not be tolerated

Any student who feels that he or she is the victim of sexual harassment has the right to file a grievance. Substantiated accusations may result in disciplinary action against the offender, up to and including termination of the employee or suspension of the student. In addition, complainants who make accusations of sexual harassment in bad faith may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.