- All BAMSI Institute courses require the assessment of all students. Assessment is determined by any combination of assignments, tests, papers, laboratory exercises, class participation, projects and portfolios of examinations.
- Within the first week of class, all students will be provided with a copy of the course outline specifying the assessment criteria and weighting approved by Academic Board.
- Within the first two weeks of class, all students will be informed, in writing, of the description, scheduling and weighting of assessment items that will count towards the final course grade.
- The final grade awarded and the semester hour credits earned for each course will be recorded for each student on a permanent student record (transcript).
Grade Reporting
- In those instances where students are assessed by means of a final examination during fall and spring semesters, the instructor will post grades within 4 business days (96 hours exclusive of week-ends) of the final examination. All signed grade sheets should be submitted to the Academic Dean and Registrar Office.
- In those instances where students are assessed by means of a final examination during the summer sessions, Academic Dean will report course grades to the Registrar’s Office within 2 business days (48 hours inclusive of week-ends) of the final examination.
- In those instances where there is no final examination and where students are assessed by means of a final portfolio, paper or other major assignment submitted during the last week of class in the fall and spring semesters, the Academic Dean will report course grades to the Registrar’s Office within 4 business days (96 hours exclusive of week–ends) of the end of the final examination period.
- In those instances where there is no final examination and where student are assessed by means of a final portfolio, paper or other major assignment submitted during the last week of class in the summer sessions, the Chair/Academic Head of the School/Unit will report course grades to the Records Department within 2 business days (48 hours inclusive of week-ends) of the end of the final examination period.
Grading System
- The Institute uses letter grades and the four point maximum grading scale. Grade A is the highest possible grade and grades below D are considered failing. Plus (+) or minus (-) symbols indicate grades that fall above or below the letter grades. Grades of A+ and D- are not used.
- Grade Points are awarded on the basis of the final grade assigned by the course instructor. No grade points will be awarded for an F grade. The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the grade points obtained by the credit hours attempted (not credit hours earned). The Institute’s grade point average is determined by using only work attempted at the Institute. The cumulative grade point average is determined by calculating all college work attempted. The Institute preparatory (upgrading) courses are not included in calculations of credit hours earned, credit hours attempted, or grade point average.
- The following indicates the grade points earned on the basis of the grade assigned and are used to designate final course grades:
A | 4.00 | Mastery of subject matter, principles, techniques and application. Superior ability to organize, analyse, synthesize and integrate ideas. Reliability in attendance and attention to assignments. | 90-100 |
A- | 3.75 | Superior knowledge of subject matter, principles, techniques and application. Superior ability to organize, analyse, synthesize and integrate ideas. Reliability in attendance and attention to assignments. | 85-89 |
B+ | 3.50 |
Outstanding competence in subject matter, Principles, techniques and applications. Outstanding ability to organize, analyse synthesize and integrate ideas. Reliability in attendance and attention to assignments. |
80-84 |
B | 3.00 |
High level of competence in subject matter, principles, techniques and application. Ability to organize, analyse, synthesize and integrate ideas. Reliability in attendance and attention to assignments. |
75-79 |
B- | 2.75 |
Above average competence in subject matter, principles, techniques and application. Above average competence in organizing, analysing, synthesizing and integrating ideas. Reliability in attendance and attention to assignments. |
70-74 |
C+ | 2.50 |
More than satisfactory competence in subject matter, principles, techniques and application. More than satisfactory ability to organize, analyse, synthesizing and integrate ideas. Reliability in attendance and attention to assignments. |
65-69 |
C | 2.00 | Satisfactory competence in subject matter, principles, techniques and application.Satisfactory ability to organize, analyse, synthesize and integrate ideas. Reliability in attendance and attention to assignments. | 60-64 |
C- | 1.75 |
Moderate competence in subject matter, principles, techniques and application. Moderate Ability to organize, analyse, synthesize and integrate ideas. Reliability in attendance and attention to assignments. |
55-59 |
D | 1.00 |
Minimal knowledge of subject matter, principles techniques and application. Barely passing performance overall. Reliability in attendance and attention to assignments. |
50-54 |
F | 0 |
Inadequate knowledge of subject matter, principles, techniques and application. Inadequate ability to organize, analyse, synthesize and Integrate ideas. Unfulfilled requirements. |
0-49 |
I | Not Included |
Incomplete. A temporary notation awarded to a student receiving a passing grade for coursework but for whom extenuating circumstances prevent completion of the remainder of the coursework prior to the submission of the final grade. |
W | Not Included |
Withdrawal. A notation reflecting a student’s withdrawal from a course. |
AU | Not Included |
A notation reflecting that a course was not taken for credit. AU may not be awarded to students register as credit students in a course. |
P | Not Included |
Awarded for a course taken by Challenge Examination and any course approved for Pass/Fail status by Academic Board. |
T | Not Included |
Awarded for credits transferred from another institution. |