General Information



The orientation in agricultural and marine education at tertiary and professional development levels has been recognized to be of national importance. Hence, the vision and establishment of the Institute was borne. The Academic arm of the Institute opened its doors on September 29th, 2014 and has continued to grow and succeed.

The work of BAMSI falls into the following main divisions:


The Institute offers teaching and training to provide the professional and technical qualifications necessary for various branches of agriculture and marine resources and to provide strong academic training and extensive hands on orientation in crop and livestock production, farm management, environment conservation, agri-business and management of marine resources.

The academic and skills training program include:

  • Proficiency Certificate programMEs
  • Skills Training Certificate programMEs
  • Associate DegreeS
  • online courses and e-learning
  • continuing education and professional enhancement

The campus is located in SAN ANDROS, North Andros, on the BARTARD site. It consists of over 800 acres of land, housing the research demonstration farm (apiary, abattoir, aquaponics center, nursery, experimental student plots, packing house and processing plants), academic and residential buildings and an Arboretum which reposes the indigenous hard wood and other tree species in the Bahamas.  The arboretum will feature a botanical trail, a bird sanctuary and facilities for tourist leisure activities in due course. The germplasm bank is the repose of the major species of economic agricultural crops capable of commercialization in the Bahamas and also the breeds and species of farm animals with potential for commercialization in the Bahamas. The germ bank ensures that out biodiversity is maintained; thereby enabling the sustainability of what is being established for future propagation purposes. It also provides opportunities and facilities for, practicum and applied research relating to plant and animal genetic resources by the various departments of the Institute.

The Research-Demonstration Farm. This farm is multifaceted and compliant with the standards and practices of the world food standards bodies.

The Marine Science department has constructed a modern 65,000 square feet Aquaponics/Aquaculture facility for the production of fish and vegetables. The facility is used to train both students and potential stakeholders in the principles of integrated aquatic production systems which will be used to produce Tilapia (which we will call BAMSI Perch), and shrimp, and a variety of high valued micro-greens and vegetables.

In conjunction with the farm, there is a nursery where the banana tissue culture plantlets, lime seedlings, pineapple suckers and planting materials, vegetable seedlings are kept before being placed in the field.

There is also a livestock section for small ruminants (sheep and goats), poultry (broiler and layers) and swine (pigs). As part of the production schedule is the production of honey.  Nine colonies of honey bees were set up to start an apiary.  Some of the hives have already produced honey, so the programme is well on its way. With livestock production, there will also come processing facilities:  an abattoir to slaughter sheep, goats and pigs; poultry processing for broiler meat and eggs and some processing for Tilapia and produce that do not meet the standards for the fresh market.

Outreach Programme: This is national in scope and it is the vehicle that will bring the new technologies to farmers throughout The Bahamas. It is the mechanism that we will provide a presence in the farming and fishing communities of our country. The heart and soul of the Outreach Programme is the Associated Farmer grouping which comprises licensed farmers who produce vegetables according to BAMSI standards and technology; and under close guidance and supervision of our trained professional agricultural extension personnel.